SPLIT – Šumski požar u Žrnovnici koji je izbio u četvrtak ujutro stavljen je navečer pod kontrolu ali će ga cijelu noć nastaviti gasiti 50 vatrogasca, izvijestio je DVD Žrnovnica. “Požar je stavljen pod kontrolu ali nije ugašen […] Objava Požar u Žrnovnici pod kontrolom, ali nastavlja ga gasiti 50 vatrogasaca pojavila se prvi puta na Novi list.
Although the wildfire in Žrnovnica, Split, Croatia, has been brought under control, 50 firefighters will continue to battle the blaze throughout the night to ensure it is fully extinguished.
The fire was fueled by strong winds which made it difficult for firefighters to contain.
Although the wildfire in Žrnovnica, Split, Croatia, has been brought under control, 50 firefighters will continue to battle the blaze throughout the night to ensure it is fully extinguished. The fire was fueled by strong winds which made it difficult for firefighters to contain.